
What’s Reiki? Is it the one with stones? By Chia Oh, Reiki Master Teacher and Hypnotherapist

When people find out I’m a ‘Reiki Master’, they often ask, ‘What exactly is Reiki?’ and ‘Does it involve those therapy stones?’ Let me clear things up: Reiki taps into the healing power of a Reiki Healer’s hands—no stones needed (that’s ‘hot stones therapy’).

For me, Reiki is an incredibly positive energy that sparks transformative changes on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. It hails from Japan and is dubbed ‘universal life force energy,’ representing an ancient form of energy healing. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Tendai Buddhist, stumbled upon Reiki while meditating at Mount Kurama. He began channeling Reiki, facilitating healing in others, and passed this gift down to Reiki Masters, spreading its reach worldwide.

Reiki flows through a Reiki healer, typically through their hands. The healer might hover their hands above or gently touch the body, transferring the energy. It may sound a bit out there, but when you consider that we’re all energy beings, Reiki’s high-vibe energy can penetrate all our energy fields, addressing our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual layers.

Reiki healing is priceless for unwinding, easing stress, and sparking healing across all levels. My favourite part of Reiki is its knack for nurturing a positive and serene mindset, leading to more joy and inner calm. During a Reiki session, the energy works on our energy hubs, known as chakras. We’ve all got seven main chakras, each linked to different parts of the body and emotional well-being. Like, the heart chakra smack in the middle is tied to the heart, lungs, thymus, love, compassion, self-acceptance, and relationships.

What makes Reiki stand out is its safety, non-intrusiveness, and intuitive nature. You don’t have to spill the beans on specific issues; Reiki naturally homes in on areas needing healing. Whether you’re grappling with work stress, a breakup, or any other hurdle, Reiki’s got your back. It’s open to all, whether you’re deep into healing therapies or just curious about energy work.

If you’re interested in learning more about this ancient energy healing, you can download a free Reiki guide here –

Chia Oh, Reiki Master Teacher, and Hypnotherapist

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