
Navigating Change Down Under: Grasping the Hurdles and How to Smash Through Them

Change is something we all want, whether it’s about getting healthier, picking up new skills, or kicking bad habits. But making real changes can be tough. Knowing why change is hard can help us get past those roadblocks and reach our goals. Here are the main things that get in the way of change and some tips to beat them:

Taking on Too Much

Trying to change too many things at once can be a recipe for disaster. It can leave you feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Instead of trying to fix everything all at once, focus on one thing at a time. For example, if you want to get healthier, start by drinking more water each day. Then, once that’s become a habit, you can move on to something else.

Seeing the Big Picture

Changes often come with a bunch of other changes attached. For instance, deciding to exercise more might mean changing your diet and your daily routine too. Knowing that changes are linked can help you plan ahead. Take it slow and make one change at a time, instead of trying to do everything at once.

Sticking to What’s Familiar

We humans love our routines, even if they’re not great for us. Getting out of our comfort zones can be scary. But taking small steps outside of what’s familiar can help. Start by trying new things a little bit at a time. The more you do it, the easier it gets.

Not Seeing the Upside

Wanting to change is often about wanting something better. But if you’re not clear on what that better thing looks like, it’s easy to lose motivation. Take some time to think about why you want to change and what you hope to get out of it. Remind yourself of those reasons when things get tough.

Setting Clear Goals

Having vague goals makes it hard to know if you’re making progress. Instead of saying you want to “be healthier,” be specific about what that looks like. Set goals that you can measure and track over time. That way, you’ll know when you’re moving in the right direction.

Being Patient

Change doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, and that can be frustrating. Remember to be kind to yourself and give yourself credit for every little step forward. Keep in mind that progress is progress, no matter how small.

Trying to Change Others

You can’t force other people to change, no matter how much you might want to. Focus on making changes in your own life instead. Lead by example, and you might inspire others to follow suit.

Understanding what makes change hard is the first step to making it easier. Break your goals into smaller pieces, be ready for things to change together, step out of your comfort zone, know why you’re doing it, set clear goals, be patient, and focus on your own growth. With these strategies, you can turn your desire for change into real progress that sticks.

Source Credits: katherine.warburtoncbt

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