
How to Chill Out Anxiety: 12 Aussie Tips for Finding Zen When Anxiety Strikes

Anxiety is a part of being human, but it can really throw things out of whack if left unchecked. While it’s important to seek professional help for serious cases, there are heaps of natural techniques that can help ease anxiety and give you a sense of peace. Here are twelve ripper strategies you can weave into your daily life to find some calm in the chaos:

1. **Deep Breathing:** Take a few moments to focus on your breath. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold it for a tick, then exhale slowly through your mouth. Keep at it for a bit, feeling the rhythm and the calm wash over you.

2. **Regular Exercise:** Get those endorphins pumping with some physical activity. Even just a brisk walk, a bit of yoga, or a boogie to your favourite tunes can do wonders for busting stress.

3. **Good Sleep:** Make sure you’re getting enough shut-eye each night. Stick to a routine, wind down before bed, and create a comfy sleep space to catch those Z’s.

4. **Mindfulness Meditation:** Spend a few minutes each day focusing on the here and now. No judgments, no worries—just being present in the moment.

5. **Watch the Caffeine and Booze:** Lay off the caffeine and go easy on the booze. They can mess with your sleep and amp up those anxious feelings.

6. **Get Out in Nature:** Nature’s a top spot for chilling out. Whether it’s a stroll in the park or a bushwalk, soak up the outdoors and let Mother Nature work her magic.

7. **Practice Gratitude:** Take a sec to count your blessings. Reflect on the good stuff in your life, big or small—it’s all worth appreciating.

8. **Set Healthy Boundaries:** Learn to say no when you need to. Protect your time and energy by setting boundaries that keep you feeling good.

9. **Progressive Muscle Relaxation:** Tense up, then let go. Work your way through your bod, from your toes to your noggin, and feel the tension melt away.

10. **Reach Out:** Don’t go it alone—lean on your mates, fam, or a therapist for support when anxiety’s got you in a spin.

11. **Get Creative:** Express yourself through art, writing, gardening, music—whatever floats your boat. It’s a ripper way to let those feelings out and find some calm.

12. **Be Kind to Yourself:** Cut yourself some slack. Treat yourself with the same compassion you’d show a mate going through a tough time.

While anxiety can be a real pain, these natural strategies can help you take back control and find some peace. Give ’em a burl and see what works for you. And remember, there’s no shame in reaching out for extra support if you need it. With a bit of time, patience, and self-care, you can wrangle that anxiety and get back to living your best life.


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A post shared by Joshua Fletcher (@anxietyjosh)

Source Credits: anxietyjosh

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